Meditatio, August 4, 2011

In both of the readings today there is a lack of communication and very strong sentiment about how to proceed.  Moses and Aaron have led a complaining people out into the wilderness at God’s command.  This people forgetting so very quickly that this exodus from Egypt was the answer to their prayers for an end to their slavery.  They initially rejoiced but all too quickly then moved on to how difficult it was now.  They did not pause even before expecting that God should just continue to grant their every desire.  They wanted food and God provided manna.  They wanted meat and different food and again God provides.  Now they complain about water and yet again God provides but not before they goad Moses into an act done out of anger rather than love.

Then there is Peter who alone dares speak the truth the disciples were only beginning to understand.  The one who answers his rabbi’s question with the conditioned I say you are…the Christ, the son of the living God.  However, a mere moment later, after Jesus has tried to explain that he is as Peter stated the Christ but that part of Peter’s understanding is amiss.  Out of love Peter tries to persuade the human Jesus to move away from the difficult part of his identity and mission because of fear. 

How often do I behave like the Israelites, not stopping to give thanks for the gifts provided and the prayers answered before moving on to the next request on my agenda for God?  I would like to think this doesn’t happen in my life but that would be less than honest.  Rarely am I as blatant and confrontational with another as the Israelites were with Moses but the expectation has been the same. This is another sign of a lack of spiritual maturity when like a child; I expect to be given whatever I desire without ever considering that there is a plan, a hope, a desire that with the gifts given I will then grow into one who cooperates in the advancement of a higher agenda than my own self-satisfaction.   May I give thanks and be still and listen.  May I not become a stumbling block to those who desire only to assist me but become frustrated with my attitude of ingratitude.  Adjust my heart and mind to see beyond just myself to your love of others.

Further, remind me that even though I love another; my husband, my children, a dear friend, or those I meet through ministry it is not my responsibility to protect them from all difficulties or temptations.  Pain and suffering are not things to spend our lives avoiding out of fear but a part of the process from which we learn, grow, and become all that we are called to be.  Help me to rather be a support for those I love in dealing with the normal pain and suffering that comes their way.  Trusting that all things will work together for the good of any who love the Lord.

About angelnvj1287

Just another voice... a sister who delights in writing and storytelling, and allowing the words of others to converse with my experience and give depth, texture, and color to my understanding of Life, Love, Hope, and Faith.
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