Meditatio, September 21, 2011

Being very honest, working 12 hour days from Wednesday to Friday most of my reflection is done just upon waking and as I drop off to blessed sleep.   That being said, the words from today are especially powerful.   One…all are the beloved children of God.  I struggle with this as an individual when another has hurt me or been exceedingly harsh in their attitude about something that is important to me.  I understand as a parent in that love is for each one and every one specifically for what that one needs at that time.  Love forgives, supports, trusts, and believes in each beloved regardless of what logic says should occur.

We all declare the glory of God.  Some do so intentionally, some unknowingly, and some in an intermittent combination of the two. However, the glory of God echoes around us through others, through creation, and through our relationships.  How sad it is with all this glory on display that we can choose to not see any of it at all.

Jesus’ statement about his own ministry… he did not come to call the righteous but sinners.  The interesting thing about being human however is that the righteous left on our own can fall again into sin and require being called and ministered to again.  God does not demand that one remain righteous or that one ever become righteous.  God offers righteousness through relationship with him.  One then begins to share in the need to call the sinners home, back into right relationship.  However, we must follow suit in not using threats or coercion to obtain the sinners repentance but rather love, patience, long-suffering and joy to evoke the desired reunion with all of the other beloved children of God and with our heavenly father.   It sounds so straightforward and simple on the page and yet in practice is so complex and convoluted.  My prayer is for the grace to see with your simplicity that I might call the sinners to righteousness without losing sight of my own need for ongoing repentance and progression in my journey home.

I Will Bring You Home by Michael Card

It Might be Hope by Sara Groves (when I first heard this I heard…it feels like it might be “home”

I Am Going Home by Chris Daughtry (cross overs from yesterdays input but still applies today too)

About angelnvj1287

Just another voice... a sister who delights in writing and storytelling, and allowing the words of others to converse with my experience and give depth, texture, and color to my understanding of Life, Love, Hope, and Faith.
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1 Response to Meditatio, September 21, 2011

  1. Bird says:

    I just adore Michael Card’s music!

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