Meditatio, April 27, 2013

The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. This sounds so self explanatory but the nuances are limitless. Amidst persecution, loss, mourning, perceived failure and profound ambiguity the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit just as Jesus had promised. This answers the pertinent “when” question.

The LORD has made his salvation known. Again this sounds self explanatory but…even when something is right in front of my face, I can chose to ignore, over analyze, doubt, or claim to not understand the implications.

Not only has the Lord made his salvation known, the Lord continues to make our salvation known through him, with him, and in him. So that through the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is God’s forever and ever! Thanks be to God for sharing joy, salvation, and the Holy Spirit with us.

Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these…the thing about this statement is that it is not “me”, not “us”; doing these things but it is God working in us, with us, and through us that allows these great works to occur. I want to believe! I want to be found always in this relationship that allows God to work in, with, and through me. Move me out of the way God if I should become a roadblock, stumbling block, or detour to my own self. This is my prayer.

About angelnvj1287

Just another voice... a sister who delights in writing and storytelling, and allowing the words of others to converse with my experience and give depth, texture, and color to my understanding of Life, Love, Hope, and Faith.
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