Meditatio, June 12, 2011

Reading the clusters of words this morning it seems almost as if the second answers the question posed by the first…How does each of us hear them in his/her  native language?  We were all given to drink of one Spirit.   For I believe that one must at least accept on a cursory level the gift to even be able to hear.  The gift of being able to speak so as that another, vastly different from oneself, speaking an unfamiliar language, can understand is a manifestation of  full fledged, walk out into the deep acceptance of the gift of the Spirit.   The Spirit that I know will only allow passivity to get your attention.  Once you take and drink  then the wind and fire that is so often used as  symbol for the Spirit is internalized and you cannot be passive.  Receiving the Holy Spirit is like falling in love, you cannot do it just a little.  The action of receiving transforms you into a new state of being. 

Notice it is only after receiving the Holy Spirit that we are entrusted with the gift and responsibility of forgiveness.  Without this gift we would bind ourselves up in a ball of vengeance and retribution.  We must forgive to be forgiven.  When we retain the sins of others we retain ours as well.   My prayer is that forgiveness will be rampant not only today but ongoing as the Spirit that we so openly honor and celebrate today becomes the source of our sustenance through the coming days.  Then we can speak to others in their language about the forgiveness, love and hope which imbues our hearts…and the Spirit will grace them to hear because the Spirit abides within us. Veni Sancte Spiritus indeed and may all drink of the One Spirit.

About angelnvj1287

Just another voice... a sister who delights in writing and storytelling, and allowing the words of others to converse with my experience and give depth, texture, and color to my understanding of Life, Love, Hope, and Faith.
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