Meditatio, June 23, 2011

The first reading has always reminded me of how like myself Sarah actually was.  It was not that she did not believe what God said it was just that she wanted to help the process along.  What a mess we can make of things trying to help God out without being prompted to do so.

Notice that even when Hagar’s prayer was for deliverance from one supposed to be following God she was heard.  How often do we not even bother to bring up to God the difficulties we encounter with others within the Church?  I see often the two extremes in belief; one group sets the clergy on a pedestal and believes they cannot be questioned, while the other dismisses the clergy opinion believing everything that proceeds from them to be defensive and an act of self-preservation. The suggestion to pray for them, much to my amusement, often startles both sides.  While I believe that when dealing with the clergy you must keep in mind that they are human and prone to moods and misunderstandings just like the rest of us, most are also deeply committed to service of God and the Church.  What happened to the idea of asking God to aid in all our decisions, relationships, and endeavors?  When was God relegated to only those matters that we in our human wisdom believe we can handle ourselves?

Even though the resolution of her plea involved Hagar also having to make adjustments to her attitudes and behavior which she probably would not have chosen given an option, God answered her.  I frequently stand amazed at the number of people who swear that God does not answer when what is meant is that God did not answer in the manner desired or as anticipated.  I am just as guilty of this distortion of perception as the next person but my God has pointed this out to me through others.  Which brings me to the final part of my lectio today, now that God has brought it to my attention and I have heard I am expected to act on it or I have chosen to continue to ignore Gods prompting.  My prayer then is for the courage not to be selfish but to trust and follow as the next step is revealed to me.  Further, to give thanks that my God is gracious and enduring in kindness for the many times I have chosen to do otherwise. May I have some small part in making this a blessed day.

About angelnvj1287

Just another voice... a sister who delights in writing and storytelling, and allowing the words of others to converse with my experience and give depth, texture, and color to my understanding of Life, Love, Hope, and Faith.
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