Meditatio, July 27, 2011 (draft)

This story of Moses has always fascinated me.  Everyone could see the radiance when Moses emerged from speaking with God.  Everyone knew what caused it.  Yet, they were afraid of radiance, of exposure to the light.  Why is it that fear is the response to being marked as having been in the presence of God.  The same thing happened with the few disciples on the mountain during the transfiguration, they too were afraid or at very least awestruck.  We fear what it is that we do not understand and control, no matter whether beautiful or revolting.   Fear was a two-edged gift when we were as a race removed from paradise.  Had Eve been afraid she would never have blindly followed the serpent and then convinced Adam to do likewise but being in the presence of God removes all fear.  We chose to know the difference between good/evil and so fear was a gift for our protection but it can also be a tool manipulated by evil to advance it’s agenda.

The second phrase from the gospel I will have to address later.

About angelnvj1287

Just another voice... a sister who delights in writing and storytelling, and allowing the words of others to converse with my experience and give depth, texture, and color to my understanding of Life, Love, Hope, and Faith.
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